■(Part1)It was clearly proved by their testimonies at the IMTFE that no committee members had witnessed 'illegal murders by Japanese soldiers at all. O. Wilson, who made many testimonies as to atrocities, did admit that all of his testimonies were hearsay. Magee, who lived with Bates and worked for the Safety Zone Committee, testified that he had just eye-witnessed only one case.
(Part2)As a matter of fact, neither Rabe nor other westerners of the Safety Zone Committee members, who might have been able to walk around freely in the city with Nazi Swastika armband on, had ever witnessed illegal murders by Japanese soldiers during six weeks.
英語の記事では常に "the so called 〜" とか "the alleged 〜" と使われるけど (要するに例えば「南京大虐殺と中国が主張するもの」とか) 日本人は「めんどくさいから」「文が煩雑になるから」という理由で平気で省略して「南京大虐殺」とか書いてしまうよね。 それだけで「大虐殺はあったんだ」というニュアンスになってしまう。 「〜と呼ばれる」「〜と相手側が主張する」を必ず付けるようにすべきだよ。